2024 - July 8 - July 14

Well after the excitement of our Queensland holiday its been back to work on the farm. Our amazing staff looked after the farm so well while we were away and it was their turn for a holiday. It was back to reality though - cold, wet and muddy as can be seen by this pic of Garys motor bike! Yes he should have been using the quad bike but he didnt realise how muddy it was!
WEve been busy AIing cows, milking, feeding out hay and fixing fences - fun times! And to top it all off I somehow caught a nasty bug while away and am now spending all my time coughing, sleeping and feeling miserable. Ollie and Sarah have had it as well so they understand how I feel. Hopefully I feel better soon as I have a busy week coming up Nothing finished on the crafting front (well a quilt is almost finished - Ill show you that next week) and no books either So........hopefully next update will see me healthy and well and firing on all cylinders


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