2024 - July 15 - July 21

Its been a long cold week and Ive been really unwell Im slowly improving but must admit the cold and windy weather hasnt been helping things (or the fog!!!) I had to cancel all the meetings I was supposed to go to - including a tour of the MCG and the Bendigo Sheep and Wool show - but my heart is warm thanks to some mates who rang me from the sheep and wool show asking if I "needed" anything and that they were happy to go and get it for me :) Because I have been inside and hardly venturing outside at all Ive got a fair bit of things finished and read! Read on! Firstly I finished the second sock of a pair. The first sock was knitted in 2011 as a test knit and as it was toe up (not my preffered sock knitting method) its been languishing for quite some time. Finally second sock is done though and the yarn is beautiful and soft and I think the pattern is great too - the yarn is Natural Fibre Arts NFA superwash merino and the pattern is Better Be Gryffindor by Heidi Nick
Next is this table topper or lap sized quilt - its english paper pieced and fairly pale in colour - Im not sure the picture does it justice
And thirdly I made this hat - for Megan - Its the Swave Hat and I used mYak baby yak medium. Lots of cables and texture and I even made the pom pom!
On the reading front I finished the physical book of The Other Bridge by Rachel Johns. This was the perfect read for someone unwell. Its the story of a librarian named Bridget Jones (and yes I loved the movies!) who loves reading romance novels and finding just the right book for readers. She is a bit unlucky in love - but this changes - and she gets embroiled in a bit of drama as well. Its four out of five stars for me and Id recommend it as a great relaxing and easy read.
On audio book via audible I finished the next two books in the borrowed world series by Franklin Horton - Blood and Banjos and Resurgent. Both four out of five stars - and well all I can say is the series continues and the drama and the selfishness of people. Im currently reading book 10 and maybe Ill leave it there lets see
Well thats my productive week while feeling quite unwell. As a friend said to me "you are not that good at not doing anything are you?" No Im not LOL Have a great week friends


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