Lockdown 5 days 8 & 9 - whoops I forgot!

 Lockdown 5 days 8 & 9 

Whoops I forgot to do a blog post yesterday!

SO catching up................Yesterday I had zoom meetings and farm computer work and then went and visited Mum - yep still talking through the glass, but as Ive said before she really likes to see my face even though I talk to her at least once a day on the phone.

Apparently yesterday they had their own Olympic Games in the village with bean bag tossing, quoits etc.  Mums team didnt win - they came second - but she still won a Kit Kat so she was happy. Here she is waving "HI" just like the queen LOL

Today (its Saturday) I must admit I hit the wall.  Lots of stuff has been going on that Ive had to deal with, plus an injured foot so I "managed" to fit in two naps - nice!
Also got some knitting done - and a catch up zoom meeting with my knitting friends around the world - from USA Argentina and the UK

The first of these socks I finished ages ago so its good to get the second one done! This pair will go in my gifting box for some lucky recipient down the track.
This is the thirteenth time Ive made this pattern - its Vanilla Latte socks and the yarn was gifted to me without a label so I cant tell you much about that!
Im in for a quiet night now watching the Olympic Games - GO AUSSIE!


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