Lockdown 5 day 6 where did the day go

 Lockdown 5 and day 6 and today has just run away!

Which is one of the main reasons Ive made my list of things I want to get done and also why Ive been posting daily on this blog.

If we have to be locked in I might as well have a purpose.

A large chunk of today was spent getting my lovely father in laws new phone we bought him set up  - frustrating at times but its done and he's happy - just worried Im now going to get calls about "how do I do this" but thats to be expected.

Another zoom meeting too.

And Ive started another project that was on my "to do" list - this time diamond art - Ive never done it before so rang my lovely friend Carol who has done lots of them for some tips.  I dont think this will be finished quickly any time soon but Ive started!

There was also some hat knitting - but they are being gifted so I cant show you them as yet until the lucky person(s) who are getting them get them!


Tiffany said…
The diamond art looks interesting!

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