Lockdown 5 day 2 - cleaning the things!

 Day 2 of lockdown 5

Ive made a list! Of things that Ive been wanting to tidy for ages, or annoying me, or just havent got around to doing.

Today I managed to tick off 2 of them so very happy indeed.  For the record the list has 12 things on it - I do hope the lockdown isn't that long that I get them all done, to be honest.

Anyways todays progress - firstly I cleaned out a weird sort of cupboard in my office desk, I think when the desk was made it was made for the hard drive of a computer to sit in it, so its an odd shape and hard to store stuff in.  Heres the before

and here's all the stuff I pulled out of it - its a loooooong cupboard! 

And here's it lovely and tidy.  The bonus was I found two folders in there that I can use for our farm accounts for the next 12 months, plus one for mums paper work too.  And even a set of those tabs for each month of the year - winner indeed!

Now the next tidying task was a big one - I have a lovely big bookcase that I store a lot of my quilting, sewing and knitting stuff in.  Its big and full!  Also a great dumping ground for stuff and its not all mine a lot was mums and she kept giving it to me to have a use. 

This took hours but Im so glad its done - and Ive been a bit ruthless = culled some stuff I just dont think Ill get around to making/using and the relief is great!  If anyone would like some english paper piecing stuff - please ask.  Happy to trade if money is an issue.

And of course in-between all of this I milked - and its freezing today.  Typical winter day with an excellent wind chill factor.


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