Working on some ufo's and a finish too!

Well here we are in 2025! If you read my last blog post, you will know Im intending on taking this a little easier (on myself that is) I think we put so much pressure on ourselves to do and to achieve and yes I do like doing all the things and achieving lots of things, dont get me wrong, but I want to do things that bring me joy and satisfaction. I know for the last few years Ive been showing you things as they are finished - this year Im going to show you things as they are progressing. I have a huge list of things (UFO's as we call them - unfinished objects) and I would really like to finish quite a few of them. I also have quite a lot of "new" projects I would like to get done - so you will get a blend of both. Im also not going to be a "slave" to posting each week - but as I see fit So after all that far this year Ive done the following - Firstly a pair of baby socks for Ollie in Queensland. The yarn is lovely and left over from an adult pair of socks I made several years ago. I had hoped to use up all the yarn in this project but I didnt so there is still some more leftovers of this yarn!
Ive also been working on two UFO's- one quilting and one knitting. Firstly the quilt is called Paper Garden and I received it as a block of the month from Patchwork by the Sea. I had completed two blocks in 2024 and Ive enjoyed working away on this. Heres my progress so far, and I do have the final 3 blocks prepped I just need to do the machine stitching around the pieces. The fabric is lovely as its a linen and Im loving the soft muted colours of it. Ive been working on this in the mornings when I get up and sometimes in the afternoon if Im not milking.
A night, while trying to stay awake and watch TV Ive been working on the Go Go Wrap (pattern by Ambah O'brien) and Im using my Advent Calendar yarn from Obsession Yarns. The yarn and colours are gorgeous and I think I only have 4 or 5 colours to go. This is huge but luscious!
And I should add - farmwise we had a lovely 5.8mm of rain the day before yesterday which although not a lot managed to settle the dust. Bulls are still in with the cows but not for much longer as they are being quite naughty. Weed spraying has also been happening. And the big farm news is that I bought Gary some shelving for the workshop shed. So a lot of moving things around and working out what to put where and this is a real case of "this will be a good job done when its finished". Until next time enjoy your life and Ill finish with a saying I heard recently "Grow through what you go through"


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