Sunday Musings

Well here I am on day 17 of trying to blog each day. Its actually made me see my blog in a completely different way.
Instead of something that I put the odd quilty type photo on off stuff Ive done, Ive now come to realise that all sorts of people read my blog (BUT sadly not many leave comments - come I dare you leave a comment!!!)
SO with this "better" attitude I spose, I go thru my day thinking of what I might blog - not all the time, Im not that lame but every now and then.
Ive started to think of my blog more as my daily diary as someone pointed out and thats a good way to be I think.
Well today is Sunday and what did I do - well went to church this morning and dressed up! Yep got to help my fabulous friend Pam do the childrens talk. I got to don a long blonde wig and a lovely outfit - purple top and orange skirt. What for you might ask? To demonstrate the bible story of the woman with the lost coin. It was fun!!!! Yes believe it or not church CAN be fun and quite often fun is had


Lindi said…
Now a photo of that would have been good! lol
aykayem said…
ok ... as requested, please find herewith one comment ... LOL

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