a busy day but I had company

What a day!!!
Left home to be at church at 8 am this morning to do admin work (newsletters, rosters etc) and back home by 11.15 to meet our dairy financial advisor. Thought I was doing well - I made it home at 11.02, but he got here early! That was ok - he chatted to Gary for a bit.
Once finished with him I headed to Bendigo to pick up the girls, arriving there around 3.30 pm. Once I got there they informed me that we would be going to see where Aimee's fiance Jason works, at the stables near the racecourse so off we went. Lots of lovely racehorses to admire and pat. Then off to horseland for Megan to get some "supplies" and then decided to buy us all KFC for an early tea.
Back to Aimee's to eat and to spend some more time with Mia and at around 6 ish we were off home. Thankfully Sarah drove home most of the way as I was very tired.
Oh!!! Forgot to mention I had company in the car on the way down - I listened to Jane Austen's "Emma" on a audion book - what a great way to "read" and well read too so the drive passed quickly.
Its now 8pm and Im home and pooped - not going to bowls tonight too late and too tired - until tomorrow which co-incidentally will be day 27 - hopefully I WILL make a month of blog posts!!!