new years day ponderings

Well its come to the first day of the year again - 2010 - and I spose its the time when you reflect back on what you have done in the past 12 months, but more importantly what you hope to achieve "this year".
Well "this year" is going to see lots of changes for me - firstly Aimee (and of course Mia!!!) have moved to Bendigo so I wont be seeing as much of them as I have been. But Aimee seems much happier and settled with her new guy Jason so I am pleased for her.
Sarah will also hopefully be moving to Bendigo to attend Uni and study photography.
So guess who will be travelling a fair bit to Bendigo soon - thank good ness we have ordered a new car, a Ford Territory and that should arrive in March.
Megan is starting year 10 and doing a year 11 subject, Biology, as well as doing 1/2 a day a week at Echuca studying equine studies - so I guess more chauffering will be involved there!
And as for me personally, I am taking on the volunteer administrator position at my church - this will be on Wednesdays for around 3 hours. As well as (well for the moment) all that I do now.
I think I need to be kinder to myself next year! and also do the usual finish off ufo's, excercise more, eat healthier etc etc.
But really it all comes down to the saying that I have on the bottom of my emails -
Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God.

Here's to a blessed 2010 - the year to be born again~


Ozjane said…
All blessings to your all in all those endeavours.
Julie said…
You do have some big changes happening around you, it will be an interesting year for all of you.

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