how many things on the go?

I dont know about you - but I always have several projects (hand working/piecing/embroidery etc) on the go at once so that when I sit down to watch the tv I have "options" to choose from.
This photo I took today shows what I have going at the moment
- knitting a hat for me for winter (so PLENTY of time for that!!!)
- sewing the binding on my breast of friends wallhanging (I just got sick of making the quilt so decided to make up the blocks I had done and make a wallhanging)
- bronwyn hayes stitchery
- cross stitch quilt blocks
- english paper pieced hexagons
Not a bad selection I think!


Lindi said…
Pretty good selection, Di!
Jenny said…
Only 5? That's not so bad. Surely you must have more hidden away?
I like the way you think! A project for every occasion and situation. Me too. Have fun.

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