here are some of our "girls"

Well after enjoying several pleasant weather days it seems we are going for 40 degrees tomorrow. I know we people get hot, but I really feel sorry for our cows (better known as our "girls") on days like this.
Im sure they think "Im big, fat and hot and I dont want to do anything!!!"

Anyways, here they are in the afternoon, just waiting to be taken to the shed to be milked. Dont they look conte
nted? Also please note distinct lack of green feed on which they are standing. We are out of it again and back to feeding out 2 bales of hay twice a day - more work for Gary!


Lynda said…
Poor cows, poor Gary. Thank you guys, and your "girls" for working so hard so I can have milk in my coffee!! Well I like to think it is your milk.....LOL
Julie said…
These 'girls' on the other hand....I know just how 'they' feel.... although without all the milking!!!! Will be glad when winter comes and I can begin to feel less like a 'big fat cow' in all this heat.

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