welcome 2013

Hello 2013~!!!
So what do I want to achieve this year?
Hard to pin it down into a few words but I did find this image on the net and it sort of sums up my intentions.
This coming year will bring a lot of changes to our home and family - Megan will be leaving home to (hopefully) go to uni, we will be getting a new kitchen and more renovating (the more depending on the $$$).  I have been selected to be a part of the Dairy Australia Developing Dairy Leaders Program so will be travelling to Melbourne and Canberra for that.  I've also been asked to be part of a study into hearing loss run by the National Centre for Farmer Health and that will involve travelling to Horsham.  So more time in the car - more audiobooks!
Even though it sounds like I will be busy, Im actually hoping to slow down a bit - I will no longer be involved in school council, where I have been president for the last 4 years as Megan is no longer at school.  So no night time meetings and other meeting which will be nice.  I do want to be a better help to Gary on the farm and to spend more quality time together.  I know I am so blessed to have such a wonderful, caring man as my husband. Speaking of which - he wasnt quite sure what you are supposed to "do" on New Years Day, so I suggested this for him and I might add it didnt take much convincing!

And so in conclusion - From Neil Gaiman, who says it better than I ever could...
"May your coming year be filled with magic and dreams and good madness.
I hope you read some fine books and kiss someone who thinks you're
wonderful, and don't forget to make some art - write or draw or build or
sing or live as only you can.
And I hope, somewhere in the next year, you surprise yourself."


Vickie said…
It will be wonderful for you to have more time to spend with Hubby and around the farm,I pray Megan will enjoy life and go to Uni and study in her chosen subjects.. sure reads like you will have other offside pursuits..please keep up your blog posts as I might not get to comment all the time but I love reading here..
Lynne said…
What a great quote!

I wish I could have spent some of my day doing as Gary did but again I was playing nurse and hostess!

I wish you love, abundant joy, good health, lots of laughs and plenty of time for stitching!
I love the thoughts you've shared, and it sounds like you're on track for a wonderful 2013. It's nice to see a farmer take it easy. I'm sure that rarely happens! Happy new year, Di!
Daphne Greig said…
Wonderful quote! Just what I'd like for 2013.

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