scatterdays - w

First week of scatterydays and blogger wont let me directly up load photos so Ive had to resort to using old photos and copying and pasting the url's

Expensive - water - without water we cannot function as a farm and its a much needed (but costly) commodity
Music - walking along behind the cows listening to all the different noises that they make
Exciting - walking - my granddaughter Maddison is learning to walk and using whatever she can to help achieve it!
WIP (work in progress) - I'm working on the "love is" block of the month which Im really enjoying and actually managing to (almost) keep up with the blocks as they arrive each month to do be done.


jacaranda said…
Great photos, love the sound of cows.
Lynne said…
Lovely photos of some great words!
Birdydownunder said…
love your take on W. I too have had trouble with blogger.
May 2013 be all that you wish it to be.
Vireya said…
Nice W collection.

Watching a child learn to walk is an inspiring lesson in overcoming adversity. No matter how many times they fall, they are determined to keep at it until it works.
Ozjane said…
Well done. I also considered using water as the most expensive.
I absolutely love seeing pictures of Oz, a country very dear to my heart. Your Scatterdays pictures are great, especially the one of your granddaughter using a vacuum cleaner (I think!) to help her walk. Precious! So glad you're in on this fun, photo-taking activity!
Julie said…
Excellent photos Di.
cinzia said…
Isn't it amazing how insular people are. I agree water is expensive but living in a city we only see it as increasing in cost rather than something that is a major expense for many rural people.
I love your cows. It is always so relaxing when I encounter them on the road to/from work..defintely slows the day down.
Joy V said…
Love your choices for 'W', especially the cows!!!
Liz Needle said…
Having a giggle when I think about some of the sounds a cow might make!! I too had water as my expensive category. I am dreading my water bill this quarter and mine is just to keep the garden alive, not a whole farm

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