first finish of the year!
and of course with the cricket being on the television - thanks to my Grandpa who taught me from a very young age to really appreciate the "proper cricket" - i.e. test cricket and of course the "holy grail" of cricket - the ashes closely followed by the boxing day test, neither of which was on but still a great test game between Australia and Sri Lanka I have been working on not one but four projects at once, working on each as the mood takes me.
I'm doing a bit on each in no particular order - just as the mood strikes me.
But trying to do a "little bit" of each daily.
Today I managed to finish the chair seat covers and they look quite good I think, just strips from my scrap container and they are to protect the seats of our lounge chairs from dirt, cow poo etc that might be on peoples bottoms (Gary!!!!) when they sit down.
Now on to finish something else - or should I start something new????????