Scatterdays week 2 - R

Here we are on week two of scatterdays - brought to you by the letter "r"

First word is MAMMAL - not that hard for own Red Cow in the herd.  I actually picked her when we bought several cows from a neighbors herd and I liked her cos she "looked pretty".  Our advisor wasnt impressed but she has turned out to be a very good cow, produces lots of milk and is quiet and well behaved, just the way I like them!  Also a bit of trivia - her number is 3034

Next is TECHNOLOGY - R for Ravelry.  Its a fantastic website for knitters/crocheters/spinners/weavers etc.  I joined a couple of years ago and it has really got me enthused with knitting again.  You can make friends on it, join groups, download free patterns and also download some you have to pay for, search yarns, patterns etc.  And its Free!
Next one is technology - this photo is of a Regulator - and its located in Pericoota State forest.  Its a new construction and will allow water to be TRANSPORTED  from the murray river to water the forest.  These regulators can be opened and closed to allow water through when needed.  As you can see by the size of us people - its huge!

And finally SOMETHING RED FROM MY SEWING ROOM.  Here are a few more completed blocks from my "Love is" block of the month Ive been working one - lovely and relaxing to work on as its preprinted ready to go!


Lynne said…
Lots of great R words there - but as you live on the land I was expecting rabbits! ;-)

Ravelry is indeed wonderful. I look back now and wonder why I was so reluctant to sign up - but I think it's the same reluctance that still has me not on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest -- I spend too much tome on the computer without adding all those things!
Vireya said…
Interesting collection of R's!

Your red cow is very pretty.
Birdydownunder said…
great to see what others take on the letter are.
Love the Red cow.
Joy V said…
Like you choice of photos - love the cow...
Ozjane said…
love the red cow. An interesting bunch.
cinzia said…
your stitcheries are gorgeous
cinzia said…
did my last comment turn up
Good "R" stuff, Di! That regulator is particularly interesting. Thanks for sharing great photos!
Sue said…
What breed is your red cow? Dairy shorthorn? Enjoyed looking at your photos.
Liz Needle said…
Lovely Rs Di. We used to have a red cow very much like yours - beautiful red.
Ros said…
I love your cow as well. I have a thing for their gorgeous eyes :-)
SueBK said…
Yet, again, someone has posted a photo of something I couldn't work out how to make into an "R". We saw cows, Bentengs, in Bali. And they are red. Duh, me.
Love your stitcheries.
jacaranda said…
Great photos, always wanted a horse the colour of your cow.
Julie said…
Very clever Transport photo,an amazing way to deal with drought!!

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