a visit to bendigo

Came down to Bendigo yesterday for specialist appointment so of course I had to visit the two most beautiful granddaughters in the world
Mia was busy doing "schoolwork" in her journal/diary ready for starting school this year as she doesnt want to get behind!
I took down a bag of apricots which Maddison immediately hopped into - she just loves fruit, which is a wonderful thing indeed.
And another plus was I got to meet up with some real live ravelry people last night. Its a group of Bendigo ladies who meeting weekly and or bi-weekly.  Just lovely.

The only downside was the temperature 40C+ and its going to be the same for the next few days.  The drive home was comfortable of course in the airconditioned car, but was really glary so I struggled a bit - lovely to be home, even though it was 44 degrees and the vat had broken down due to the heat etc etc


Lynne said…
My grandsons both love fruit too - I'd forgotten how unusual that is until my daughter told me about friends whose children don't!

We are only having 38* in western Sydney today -- and that's hot enough thanks! Try to stay cool, which must be very hard when you live on the land!
Goodness! 44C is 111F and that's downright cookin'! That map looks almost hellish. I hope there's a change for you soon.

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