whats going on and thoughts for 2012

Im not sure what blogger is doing to my blog - Ive been doing posts and they havent been appearing but they hopefully will show up at some stage.
As its sort of still the start of 2012 Ive been looking at what I hoped to achieve in 2011 - I think I did do some of the goals/resolutions I set but as I think they were really good Im going to try and apply them again THIS year - with the addition of learning to crochet.
in 2012 I will try to......

•Become more self-confident and organised, use my diary and journal
•Lose weight and get fitter
•Become more cost-effective - use what I have FIRST
•Eat much more healthily (but Im NOT giving up chocolate!)
•Save money
•Stop worrying - trust God to supply ALL our needs
•Take a trip
•Learn something new - crocheting????
•Be Less Grumpy

I will definately have to be more organised - this year I am going to be doing the Loddon Murray Community Leaders Program which will be very busy and also I have been asked to join the natural resource management board of north central catchment management authority which will also take up a bit of my time.  Im also going to aim to post on my blog each 2 days if possible as I know many people like to read my blog to see whats happening in our lives....so stay tuned...........


Carolina said…
Great goals! I coldn't give up chocolate for anything, especially dark chocolate.
Lynne said…
If I wrote a list, it would look very much like that! How much we have in common!

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