dusted off

Well the finishing off continues.........today I dusted off the light box that Gary made for me before we got married (wonder if he would got to so much trouble now! Im sure he would) When I asked him at the time if he would make one for me I was assuming that it would be A4 size, well its not its actually huge and he went to so much trouble to make it for me- getting special fluorescent globes to light it from inside and piano hinges for the lid.  It was really a lot of work and I really appreciated it then as I still do.
Ive decided to add some embroidery and possibly a bit more appique onto the round robin mini quilt that I got back recently.
So the light box had to come out so that I could trace the design onto the fabric - one of the ladies in the round robin had kindly included a design in the bag when my block came home so Im using that
Im also enjoying doing some hand work again - and in between stitching on this Ive been also doing a little bit of work on my needleturn block - its almost done - thank goodness!


Lynne said…
Nice! My lightbox is either the glass topped coffee table with an extension lamp under it or the sliding door in the family room!
AMA said…
That's great you seem to be doing loads!

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