two finishes and an arrival

Ive had a bit of a finishing effort - this beret is called Tulipanaros and is a test knit for a fellow member on ravelry - the pattern is yet to be released but it is by Maria Naslund so I suppose you can search for it once its released - the beret will probably be gifted to my daughter sarah as she loves berets like this and I have made her quite a few already.

This next knitted item is called Palindrome and the ravelry link to the pattern is here I received the yarn and pattern from a fellow ravelry member in a swap called project in a postbag.  The idea is that you swap a ready made sort of kit with yarn and pattern.  The yarn is soy wool stripes/solids and the resulting scarf will be lovely and warm and soft - just not what you need to wear on a day like today which is looking to be 40 degrees celsius plus!
The third and final piccy today is of my round robin which has finally made it home.  It is one I have done with an online group I am a member of called  quilt with christ and its on yahoo groups.  There were five members in the group and we each did a central block (mine was the embroidered block in the centre) and then it was sent on to each of the other ladies to work a round as described in the quilt "recipe" we were given.  Im really happy with my quilt and have some left over fabrics from the work the other ladies have done so may add another round with possibly embroidery on it to compliment the middle.


Lynne said…
I'd love to participate in a round robin one day - when my quilting skills are good enough! I love the idea of the "project" too; some people are very clever at thinking up these things. The beret looks lovely too.

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