sock knitting

Ive just cast on a pair of socks to knit - the yarn I got from a swap on ravelry and the pattern was gifted to me also.  Ive put 5 or 6 yarns and patterns together in plastic bags so that I pick up one and just go for it - its working so far!
Its funny about knitting socks - when I got back into knitting two years ago I just adored the look of knitting socks but was just too scared to have a go-Id actually knitting some socks on circular needles with that self patterning yarn years and years ago but they quite fitted right.
So once I joined ravelry someone offered to knit me a pair of socks with my yarn - and they were beautfiul and fitted perfectly.  The knitter encouraged me to have a go myself - but this time with dpns (double pointed needles).  So I did - and loved it!
Since then Ive made six or seven pairs of socks I think or it could be more - they are NOT hard and so easy and portable to knit and you can even knit them when its stinking hot!
Coincidentally as I was getting read to post this blog - I got an email from knitting daily which is a daily email thingy sent from interweave listing - and Ive copied it here cos it is my thoughts exactly

5 Great Things about Knitting Socks (courtesty of interweave)
1. You can make socks fit perfectly.
2. You can use your brightest, most colorful handpainted yarn—or stick with subtle solids.
3. There is always something new to try.
4. They're the ultimate way to pamper yourself.
5. Socks are fun.


Lynne said…
I nearly always have a pair of socks on the needles!
Julie said…
I feel very intimidated by socks....but I'd love to knit myself a pair. I went as far as purchasing a pattern, but that's it, I'm not sure what yarn is suitable or if it can be purchased anywhere here in QLD!! You have inspired me to investigate further, thanks Di!

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