Restumping is done and dusted - well not really dusted as the whole house is truly filthy and full of dust which I think will take me quite some time to get rid of but not complaining. At the worst part the house had to be raised 4 inches which is a lot so shows how bad things had got. We can even shut doors now and even the kitchen cupboards shut - such luxury! As can be seen in the photo of the front of the house its all nice and straight now - at the back door (which is the one we use all the time) two huge pieces had to be cut out of the concrete so that access could be gained to two stumps - wonder how long before Gary gets around to replacing the concrete? Im actually wondering about putting some outdoor tiles there as well - what do you think?
Thank goodness that Red Cross was such a blessing to us and provided most of the $12,500 needed to do the job due to being flooded 12 months ago - now to just talk Gary into renovating - stay tuned!