2024 - June 3 - June 9

Woohoo and very productive week to report! Also on the farm front the cows are now eating grass at least once a day so not quite so much hay to feed out each day - but there are still plenty of other jobs to do. Sometimes it feels like the list never ends. You may or may not be aware but Im trying to work through the kits and other things I have here - and I finally dug out a kit I bought at last years Bendigo Sheep and Wool Show to make a felted blue whale. It was fun to make but I dont really think needle felting is for me though
Ive made a table runner and two placemats - I based the table runner on one I made years ago that got a hole in it(keep reading to find out what I did with that) orange is not really a colour I use all that much but I think it does make the black and white pop - what do you think?
And heres the original black and white runner in the state it was in, and then what I did to repair it and get many more years use out of it hopefully As you can hopefully see I placed a flower over the whole and then on the other corners and then machine embroidered around it all to make it look like it matches - I think it turned out pretty well
So plenty of productivity in the craft area and I also finished the two big reading things I was reading Firstly the final book in the Throne of Glass series by Sarah J Maas - Kingdom of Ash This book was over 900 pages long and was daunting when I started but as I got closer and closer to the end I didnt want it to end! Its hard to do a review without giving out spoilers so all I will say is that all the loose ends are tied up and you are sure how each character ends up. I must admit since finishing this series Im struggling to start something else as it had been my reading partner for quite some time. Of course its a 5 star out of 5 read
The other book I finished (on audio book) was Books 1-3 of the Borrowed World series by Franklin Horton. Its a dystopian novel where all the power and fuel and food etc have been bombed in america and how the people there survive with just what they have on them. Some are more prepared than others and for lots it just turned into anarchy. Makes me think what we should keep on hand to be prepared for something like this. Its got me hooked and again 5 stars out of 5
Ive now started listening to books 4-6 and its equally as interesting and again another long listen Well thats my week hope you enjoy what Ive been doing!


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