2024 - June 10 - June 16 Special Qld and Ollie edition!

Whoops this week is a bit late, mainly because I was in Queensland hanging out with the super cute Ollie and his Mum (my daughter) Sarah plus their loveable doggie Jessie.
They live in Airlie Beach in Queensland and it is just the most magical place. Each morning we started out with a walk - usually at least 5 kms sometimes more with a coffee purchased along the way. I always like to check in with my favorite turtle -
Which is also the spot Jessie likes to have a quick swim and I also like to pick up a shell "for Mum" as she used to like me to bring these back for her.
I mean who couldnt love this cute little person! And yes hes wearing a beanie that I knitted for him too
Sarah is a great mum and you can see how much they love each other thats for sure
And Ill finish with another pic of Ollie and I
So sorry no craft or reading or farm updates - Ill do that in the next weeks update Meantime enjoy my cute grandson!


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