2024 - April 8 - April 14

The days are starting to get a bit cooler and day light savings has now ended. The last two sundays Gary and I have gone out into Gunbower Forest where there is a wood coop for collecting firewood. Its hard work but the scenery is beautiful and both days the weather has been perfect! Unfortunately this Sunday when we went Gary managed to get a sliver of wood in his eye while taking his safety glasses off for a few minutes and then forgetting to put them back on while cutting - that meant a trip to emergency at Echuca Hospital on Sunday night to get it checked (thankfully nothing there but a nasty scratch to his eye - apparently Im a good eye nurse as they thought I flushed it out really well) He now has eye drops for several days and hopefully no permanent damage was done. I think hes grateful for all the eye drop training I had with mum as Im quite good at putting drops in eyes!
I havent managed to finish anything on the crafting front but Im still working away on the blocks for my Owl and Hare Hollow quilt and enjoying that On the reading side of things I finished two books which were both excellent and both very different. Firstly The Assassins Blade by Sarah J Maas. Its a series of short stories that gets you up to speed on the Throne of Glass series - the events that happened before Celaena became the Kings Assassin It was a great read and really fleshed out her character and why she is the way she is - 5 stars of course!
Next continuing on my listen on audio books to all the books noted on The Reading List - I finished Rebecca by Daphne de maurier. Of course everyone know the famous quote "Last night I dreamt I was in Manderley again" and of course this refers to the house that is featured in the book - Manderley. Rebecca is Maxims de winters first wife who died tragically and the book is written from his second wife perspective. What an excellent novel that really keeps you engaged and guessing - and yes 5 stars too!
So a quiet but busy week with plenty to keep us busy! Quite often we are in bed by 830 as we just cant keep our eye open Til next week


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