2024 - April 1 - April 7

Now that Ive finally caught up - back to my regular programming! Ive been back home for nearly two weeks now and settling back into life on the farm (although I do miss my Queensland family and the warmer weather!) Calving is going along well and we hit a pretty exciting milestone for the farm - calf number 3000. When I married Gary and came to the farm to live we just hit calf number 2000 so for me this is exciting. It would be even more exciting if it was a red friesian but you cant have everything LOL
The weather is also getting cooler which Im not enjoying - Gary keeps joking that I have turned into a Queenslander. One good habit I got into while up there at Sarahs was going for a half hour (at least) walk every morning. Ive kept on doing that since Ive got back home however wearing a lot more layers! Heres me in Queensland wiht my "friend" the turtle statue
Versus me at home with Ruby the horse!
On the crafting front I have finished two things - firstly this notebook cover which was a nice quick and easy project
And this pair of socks for Gary - they were for his birthday but he got them a bit late!
And Ive been working away on my Owl and Hare Hollow block of the month blocks from 2023 -
On the reading side of things Im just about finished both the physical book Im reading and the audio one so Ill share those with you next week Thanks for reading along about a bit of my life and I hope youve enjoyed it di xxx


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