2023 - week 17 - April 23 - April 29

 Almost the end of another month! The weather is starting to cool down a bit so that should "in theory" mean more time inside and more time to get stuff done! We will see how that plays out

Ive been continuing to work through my ufo's (unfinished objects) and I actually sold a few kits during the week that, although I still really like will realistically never get around to - and what a freeing feeling that is

I did however dig out this small embroidery kit and frame and get that done and its super cute isn't it? I'll have to find a ribbon to hang it up with - not sure where but it will be hung somewhere.  It's a hugs n kisses kit from a year or two ago.

Ive also been chipping away at the grey crocheted blanket and Im getting there - just a couple of squares to go and then all the joining up - thankfully Ive been sewing in the ends as I go.

Ive also got back to sock knitting (but gently as my wrists are still certainly not up to speed) so hopefully by next week there might be a pair finished!

This super old ufo (probably started this 10 plus years ago) has finally seen the light of day again, and Im enjoying doing the simple buttonhole stitch around the shapes.  I had previously completed just the first block and Ive now nearly finished block number 2 - with 6 blocks to go 

On the reading front Ive finished two books and they were both a great read! The first was an audio book "The Reading List" by Sara Nisha Adams and I totally loved it.  It's about an older man and a young librarian and how they work their way through a reading list of books that somehow appears to them. It tells how books can take you somewhere else and what you can learn from them. The books  list are 

- To kill a mockingbird

- Rebecca

- Life of Pi

- Pride and Prejuidice

- Little Women

- A suitable boy

- Beloved

I havent read them all (but I really want to now!) and just the discussion around them in the book brought back so many memories This book is a 5 stars out of 5 read 

The second book which I finished (and this is a physical book) is Wake by Shelley Burr.  It is set in the Australian Outback and is about two young girls who go missing separately and the search for them. This book had me guessing until the end and it also talks about how much we miss those that aren't with us anymore and what could have been.  Another 5 stars out of 5 read. 

Thanks for reading along and being a part of my journey through 2023 - I hope I am inspiring you!


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