2023- week 16 - April 16- April 22

 Feels like this week has just flown by!

The weather has been amazing and Ive spent a lot of time out in the garden and it's looking pretty good if I do say so myself -  who says you cant reuse wood chips from the calf pen!!! And yes I like salvias LOL 

On the crafty finishing department - not a lot to show as Ive been talking it easy but I did finish the english paper pieced table runner which Im pretty happy with.  To be honest when I started it I probably didnt have the paper piecing skills but now that Ive done a bit it was quite straight forward.

I also finished a test knit hat for a friend but Im not sure if I can share the pic of that as yet - so stay tuned!

Reading wise I finished a book on my kindle - it was recommended by a friend (thanks Anne!) and the best way to describe it is its the grown up version of Peter Pan - its a bit dark in places but a pretty good read - Id give it 4 out of 5 stars but definitely not for kids!

Short and sweet this week - thanks for keeping up with me!


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