2023 - week 13 March 26 - April 1


Well thats the first 3 months of the year gone!  I feel like Ive been spasmodically productive - but to be fair there's been a lot going on.  Thankfully our new staff (Hi Hamish and Manda) are now here and working with us so life has got that little bit easier - except we have started calving so that creates plenty of busyness too!

I did manage a knitting finish though! This cute hat which is the Baa-ble hat and I used an alternate chart thats available for it with border collies on it - I suspect this will be going to Queensland for them to all fight over up there :)

March was also to be mosaics month - and I did get most of it done but I havent done the painting around the edges so Ill hopefully get that done in the next day or two and share with you next week - watch this space!

Reading wise I finished the audio book of The Oysterville Sewing Circle by Susan Wings.  It didnt have a lot about actual sewing in it - but there was some design.  It was also at times a tough listen for me as it discussed domestic violence but on the positive it was about the setting up of a support group for this.

Not much progress on the physical book front as Ive been going to bed exhausted and not reading much at all.

Here's to April !

And a quick update on my challenge to myself of 60 books read and 60 projects done - amazingly Ive read 16 books and completed 16 projects! At least I can say Im consistent!


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