2023 - week 14 April 2 - April 8

 Ive decided that April will be the month for finishing off things so Ive been sorting through my craft stuff and finding the things to finish.  It includes (but not all sadly!!)!

- crochet grey blanket (I have 6 squares to go!)

- english paper pieced playing with paper blocks (there are 3 Ive done most of 1)

- placemats x 2 (cut out and mostly pieced together)

And a few kits Id like to get made up as well - one for making soap and the other for a roped basket

Also three pairs of socks Ive started!

Oh and another crocheted blanket - baby dots and a shawl Id like to make to

Well thats a start at least and I can assure you there are plenty of other things on the "to do" list

But I do have one finish which Im really proud of - I named March as Mosaic month and I Finally got round to completing the mosaic coasters and tray I got as kits.  Technically not finished until April as I need do get some paint for the finishing of the tray.  But here they are in their glory and I love them!

I do see making more mosaics in my future!

On the reading front I finished an audio book - "Nettle and Bone" by T. Kingfisher - I think it was recommended to me by someone?  It's really a fairy tale for adults - it had a quest, a fairy god mother or two, a few evil kings and even some curses.  The narrator did an excellent job and I enjoyed the book - well worth a listen. 

So hopefully Ill be reporting a few more finishes as we progress through April - yes this is a short update but one that has a lot of intentions in it!


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