Day 3 of lockdown online church and sock knitting

Well today is Sunday - so usually I go to church, however because of the lockdown of course we couldn't, but thankfully our Pastors David and Rosanna Palmer produce an online service so we watched that from the comfort of our lounge room and no need to get dressed in respectable clothes either!

After that I worked on tidying up my knitting projects and finished off some socks

For those that know me, know that I love knitting socks - and from Ive been told people like receiving them.

The first pair Ive finished are for Gary (and yes he likes wearing the socks I make him) The pattern is called Endless Maze Socks ravelry link and I used some Kathys Fibres Yarn in the colour way Forest that I had been gifted 

And then a pair for (possibly) me from Knit Picks felici yarn and the pattern is Vanilla Latte Socks and this is the 12th time Ive made this pattern - I love it, its my go to and always try and have a pair on the go as the pattern is simple, gives a great result and perfect for working on while waiting at various things - here's the ravelry link here

Apart from that stuff - did the usual go for a walk with the dogs, milked (it was minus 4 so freezing) and Im not sure what else!

See you tomorrow for Day 4 


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