Day 1 of Lockdown number 4 - or how Im amusing myself!

 Well here we are in lockdown again in Victoria - this time for 7 days (hopefully) 

I thought this might be a good time to resurrect my blog and post on here what Im doing each day - mainly to keep myself accountable as I would like to use the time productively and not just let it slide.

To be honest, as we are dairy farmers, life is mostly normal here on farm - except for no visitors and mask wearing when needed as we are deemed an essential service.  It's just when we go outside the farm gate that life is different.

The lockdown conditions are - no leaving home unless for food and supplies, authorised work, medical care and caregiving, exercise within 5 kilometres of home and getting vaccinated.  No visitors allowed and no public gatherings.

So what am I going to do?

Im intending on doing something new to me each day as well as exercising and my usual daily tasks - and blog!

So, first things first, washing on, house tidied and off for a walk - its a cool breezy day but quite nice once I got going.  Thought I'd go and inspect the just weaned calves who seem to be loving life as do the milkers.

Ive been really pleased to get this next one done - as it was something Ive been going to do for ages - make my own granola (thanks Sarah for the recipe!) 

Im also enjoying multi tasking - I had a 3 hour zoom meeting, and as my connectivity isn't that great, I managed to do a bit of sock knitting while the meeting was on.  I actually find I concentrate a lot better doing this and it keep me quite focused.

And finally I did the label for this quilt Ive just finished - it had an interesting technique, where you stacked the fabric and then ironed a freezer paper pattern onto the top, cut it up, shuffled it around and joined it back together - Im really happy with it.

So all in all a productive day - and a diverse one too - in fact a pretty good snapshot of my life!

Wonder what tomorrow will bring?


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