2024 - September 9 - September 15

Weve had some super cold mornings the last few days, I think Winter is trying to have a last go! It was 1.2 degrees this morning but feels like minus 2.5 the wind was bitter We have also had some nice sunny days as well which has been nice - however the wood heater is still going as its so nice in the mornings to stand in front of it and get warm! Hope you are keeping warm and cosy too! I dont have any finishes to show you but I thought Id show you a few things in process that I have been working on Firstly the beach walk blanket which I am crocheting - each little block is pretty quick to make but I feel like it takes twice as long to weave in the ends Theres still lots of rounds and blocks to go but I am enjoying it and try to do a bit on it each week !
Ive also been working on the Out on the Patio quilt and am doing things a little differently than I usually do - Im making all the "parts" first ready to join them into blocks and Im quite enjoying doing it this way. I only have 7 more of the diamond sections to go and then I can start joining all the bits up
I found this stitchery while cleaning up recently - and I got in last december and the sew along for it is that you do one block each month. obviously I hadnt started so Im starting with September! Its a nice relaxing thing to do and hopefully I catch up
On the reading front I finished the audio book of About time which is book 4 in the time police series by Jodi Taylor and narrated by my very favorite narrator Zara Ramm This book had me laughing out loud so many times! What a great listen about the adventures of team weird in the time police Again Im re listening to it so I can listen to the fifth book and remember what is going on Of course its a big 5 stars out of 5 for me!
SO I think Ive caught you up on what Ive been up to - see you next time!


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