2024 - August 26 - September 1

And just like that its the start of September - how on earth did that happen! Once again I dont have any finishes to show you - but I have a lot that are awfully close so maybe next week! I know Ive told you about the calves that have been born - but have I bragged about finally getting a red and white polled (no horns!!!) calf - this has been my dream for so long and this season weve managed to breed two This is amber - isnt she cute? and there is also ruby
On the reading front I finally finished the physical book Ive been struggling with - The Vanished Days by Susanna Kearsley
I had a very interesting relationship with this book I started three times and the first two times I really didnt enjoy it I leant it to a friend who said she loved it and I had a reassess - I really should like it - I usually really enjoy this author, its about scotland and in the late 1600s which I also really enjoy so I really couldn't work out the problem Anyways third time is the charm! I pushed through and by the time I got half way through I did start to enjoy it! Its the story of the widow of a solider who went to Darien who is trying to claim a pension from the government for the work that he did and how these claims are investigated Ill give this book 3 stars as I probably wouldn't rush out and read it again but it did have interest if you push through! I finished the next book in the time police series by Jodi Taylor - Saving Time
As always with Jodi Taylors book - hilarious, sometimes sad but a great read! Im enjoying revisiting this series This time team 236 is once again on the trail of Henry Plimpton and not for the reasons they thought There's some dangerous times but the team works it out with their usual resourcefulness Of course 5 stars! Ive also managed to sort through several of the projects in my "to be made" pile and donated a few that I really dont think I will get around to making - its made a very small dent in the pile - but Ill claim that small dent Heres to an awesome September !


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