
Showing posts from June, 2024

Creating and reading catch up - June 17 - June 30

Ok so once again Ive got behind! I did the special queensland post for two weeks ago and since then the time has flown And guess what Im off to Queensland again on the 1st of July so......I thought Id do a post on all the things Ive made and finished of late Ok heres the finishing part........... Ive knitted quite a few hats lately - firstly another one for ollie - this one in the bigger size which he will grow into The pattern is TIny Tot hat and its a pretty quick knit which looks odd off but looks super cute on Ive also made two alpine bloom hats from leftovers of myak yarn I had from a jumper I made And also another of the embroidery kits I have from Clever Poppy And Ive also been working on a shawl and also the Flower pot quilt both which are almost finished! On the reading front I have lots of report finishing! Im still reading the Borrowed World series by Franklin Horton - I finished volume two which is books 4-6 and Im still enjoying the series about a post apolypse event t

2024 - June 10 - June 16 Special Qld and Ollie edition!

Whoops this week is a bit late, mainly because I was in Queensland hanging out with the super cute Ollie and his Mum (my daughter) Sarah plus their loveable doggie Jessie. They live in Airlie Beach in Queensland and it is just the most magical place. Each morning we started out with a walk - usually at least 5 kms sometimes more with a coffee purchased along the way. I always like to check in with my favorite turtle - Which is also the spot Jessie likes to have a quick swim and I also like to pick up a shell "for Mum" as she used to like me to bring these back for her. I mean who couldnt love this cute little person! And yes hes wearing a beanie that I knitted for him too Sarah is a great mum and you can see how much they love each other thats for sure And Ill finish with another pic of Ollie and I So sorry no craft or reading or farm updates - Ill do that in the next weeks update Meantime enjoy my cute grandson!

2024 - June 3 - June 9

Woohoo and very productive week to report! Also on the farm front the cows are now eating grass at least once a day so not quite so much hay to feed out each day - but there are still plenty of other jobs to do. Sometimes it feels like the list never ends. You may or may not be aware but Im trying to work through the kits and other things I have here - and I finally dug out a kit I bought at last years Bendigo Sheep and Wool Show to make a felted blue whale. It was fun to make but I dont really think needle felting is for me though Ive made a table runner and two placemats - I based the table runner on one I made years ago that got a hole in it(keep reading to find out what I did with that) orange is not really a colour I use all that much but I think it does make the black and white pop - what do you think? And heres the original black and white runner in the state it was in, and then what I did to repair it and get many more years use out of it hopefully As you can hopefully se

2024 - May 27 - June 2

Winter is here! Brrrr its cold and so very glad for our wood heater that really pumps out the warmth Some days its hard to get motivated as bed is so warm and cosy as is inside the house but Ive been venturing to echuca several mornings a week to do Reformer Pilates which Im really enjoying and its really helping my sciatic and back pain and plus the teacher and other students are all just lovely We have finished calving (hooray) and about to start our AI (artificial insemination) program of cows and heifers. So one big job finishes and another one starts. I really enjoying choosing just the right bull for each of the cows and Im spending a lot of time looking at pictures of bulls and their data As promised here is the progress I have done on my Flower Pots Quilt - there are still another two borders to go around it, but Im pretty pleased so far. Ive been on a big learning curve with the machine applique and I can tell Ive really improved the further Ive gone - still not an expert b