2024 - May 6 - May 12

Firstly - happy anniversary to Gary and I - we've been married for 18 years now and amazingly we still like each other! To celebrate (in a way) we went for a drive to Moulamein as neither of us had ever really been there. Its a quaint old town and very different type of country side (mainly rice) but we were both surprised by the size of the town and the nice feel of it. Found a take away and got some lunch which we sat and ate on the river bank which was lovely. We do like our Sunday drives and it was nice didnt have to do firewood this time! The other "event" that happened this week was Mothers Day and I had been getting more and more nervous about the day as it got closer. I so miss Mum and she loved Mothers Day. Every Mothers Day I would either take mum out somewhere or bring here here to the farm and have cake and a cuppa. If she came here she would always say she would have black tea as I was the only one who knew how to make it the way she liked. In the village she had it with milk as she didnt like the black tea there. And cake! I had several super kind messages from friends who encouraged me to do something on the day that mum would like me to do (and thanks Aimee and Megan for coming to visit me on the Saturday which was lovely) Mum loved doing craft stuff as much as me so I dug out a painting at home kit I bought in covid that Id never got around to doing and this is the result - its not perfect but I did enjoy doing it.
And of course I had to spend time on my shiny sewing machine "Pamela Blanche" and I joined the majority of the blocks for my Owl and Hare Hollow Block of the Month Quilt - I have only 3 more left to handstitch so Im definately seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.
Ive also started a machinery embroidered block quilt - not sure if Ive shared this with you already but Ive done two blocks of this as well
So Im feeling quite productive! On the reading front I finished the next book in the Throne of Glass series - Empire of Storms
I also finished on audiobook a short book in my favorite series by my favorite author and favorite narrator - Christmas Pie by Jodie Taylor and narrated by Zara Ramm. I never get tired of this series- of bumbling time travellers at St Marys who are asked by Mrs Mack (the cook) to find her the "proper" receipt for pies so that she can regain her winning title at the local show. Of course everything goes wront as it always does and there are laugh out loud moments as always Of course 5 out of 5 stars!
I also finished (on audio book) The Raven Spell by Luanne Smith. Im pretty sure this was a free book at some point. IVe been trying to tidy up the long list of books ready to read on my audible app so this one came up. Its set in Victorian England and two sister who are witches, own a small shop that deals in second hand bric a brac. One of the sisters likes to take the dyings memories and this causes a bit of trouble for someone who didnt die. THis is the story of how that got sorted. Found it a bit different but interesting although at times slow but the ending was surprising and good - I would give this 3 stars out of 5
So all in all quite a productive week - if at times a bit sad


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