2024 - May 13 - May 19

ITs now mid may and the days are definately getting colder! Weve finally lit our wood fire and are so very glad of the warmth that it gives - so much better than the split system which although it does warm it doesnt warm as well and...well...I dont like being cold! So all that firewood Gary and I have collected will now get used and hes thinking maybe we should go and get a few more loads when we can - Im not against that at all as usually we run out of wood half or three quarters of the way through winter and we have to go and try and find some around the farm. We've always said we would build up a good pile that would easily carry us through with some to spare and this may well be the year to do it Ive also being trying to sort through all the projects I have in my "to make" pile and came across several things as I think I told you last week. I bought several learn how to embroider kits in covid and Ive now finally completed the first one. It was reasonably easy to do as it came with accompanying you-tube clips which I watched and embroidered along to and Im pretty pleased with how it came out The pattern is called Bunny Blooms and comes from clever poppy which is a new zealand based business I have 3 more to do so lets see if I can get them done!
Ive also almost completed my Owl and Hare Hollow block of the month quilt and hopefully Ill have a completed photo of that to share with you next week! Reading-wise I havent finished any books this week so Ill finish with some photos of Gunbower State Forest and National Park. Gary and I went for our (whats becoming a regular thing) Sunday drive Its a beautiful place and right on our back door step. Yes same place where we get our firewood from but a different part of it. You can only collect firewood from a set firewood coop


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