2024 - April 22 - April 28

And once again I am reporting my weeks activities late - I really dont know where the days and time go! One minute Im getting up out of bed to start the day and the next minute its bed time again - does anyone else feel like that? In cute family news - Mr cutie Ollie is two months old and honestly it doesnt get much cuter than this does it? Cant wait to get back to queensland to see him!
On the farm we have been getting ready for out biannual dairy audit - which means lots of paperwork to be done and cleaning too so not much fun at all On the crafting side of things I havent finished anything else but still chipping away at the Owl and Hare Hollow Block of the month quilt - I think I have 10 or so blocks to go - and then join them all together, quilt and bind etc - hardly anything at all really LOL On the reading front - still listening to the same audio book as last week so no review there but I have finished the third book in the Heir of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas - Heir of Fire. This was excellent. Its not often that the third book in a series is just as good as the first but this one is! The main character is still celaena who is sent to a neighboring kingdom. She must find a way to destroy the wyrdkeys to save the kingdom (and possibly the world) from the rule of a corrupt kingdom. There she meets Rowan (a faerie) who changes everything (and her) We also meet Manon who is a witch and is sent to join the corrupt kings army and ride a wyvern. And finally there is still Chaeol and Dorian left back at Rifthold to deal with the goings on there. I could hardly put it down and of course its a 5 star read!
And of course Ive started book 4 in the series! So a short but busy week - hopefully next week I will be on time!


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