2023 - week 43 - October 22 - October 28

Well regularly programming is being interuppted - I have covid and feel very unwell We came home from our weekend away in melbourne and one of our co workers had tested postiive to covid. All well and good and we worked out a work around with that. I said to Gary we best test just in case - and he tested positive and I was ok You have to laugh dont you as our coworkers were heading on holidays to New Zealand on Thursday for 6 days I did my best to isolate from Gary - sleeping in the spare room etc but Friday started to feel very ordinary but still testing negative. Saturday morning tested positive and to be honest it was a bit of a relief as I was feeling so very unwell and couldnt put it all down to hay fever! So with our coworkers away we are doing the best we can and yes Ive been reading and doing a bit of crafting but dont really have the brain capacity to do a proper post about it all this week Look out next week thought - it will be huge (I hope!!!) Til next week stay safe and covid free!


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