2023 - week 42 October 15 - 21

Well its been birthday week! And for once nothing nasty happened to me - this time last year (when I should have been having an awesome 60th birthay party) we were flooded so everything was cancelled. And the year before Aimee and Matt took Gary and I canoeing on the Pyramid Creek and I managed to fall out and knock out some of my front teeth. We had planned to have a 60 plus 1 party this year but Garys sister Diane planned a 60th birthday for herself in Melbourne so we had to cancel mine. Maybe a party next year as Ill be 62 and born in 62????? I spent a nice day in Bendigo with my family which was lovely! And brought KFC home for tea so super fancy HA HA
As for the finishes this week theres only the one craft wise and thats a cute outfit for Baby Sterling from lovely cotton yarn and I made a bigger size (3 months) so hopefully he will get some wear out of it
I finished one book and it was book two of The Bridge Kingdom series - The Traitor Queen by Danielle Jensen. Im loving this series and Ive started the third book in the series - definately a 5 star read. This further tells the story of Lara and although her husband Aren no longer likes her as he thinks shes been a traitor she still wants to fight for his country. Definately get onto this series if you love a good fantasy book!
Well thats it for now - have a great week!


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