2023 - week 40 - October 1 - October 7

Exciting news! A miracle happened and I got a cancellation appointment to have nerve root injection in my sciatic nerve. I was booked to have it done on the 26th of October which at the time of booking was an 8 week wait - thankfully its now done after waiting 4 weeks. And boy did it hurt! My recover time apparently will be slow - and its been difficult finding places to sit without pain but its starting to improve a bit finally. I have to "take it easy" for 3 week and then will start rehab to build up the supporting muscles which will hopefully help withe issues I have - although I do have arthritis in my spine so I suppose thats not going away any time soon but Ill do the best I can! So Ive been busy this week relaxing LOL Ive decided to challenge myself I want to see what I can make up from my quilting fabic scrap bucket - theres a fair bit in it thats for sure. I started by taking out the pieces that are quite large and "filed" them in the drawers of fabric that I have - they are colour coded. And heres the basket - yes its a lot!
I started out by making this cute little table runner
And then Ive started making scrappy blocks from the rest - each of the little squares are 2 inches which is a good size for the scraps that I have. Im enjoying making these and remembering where the fabrics came from and where Ive used them previously
Ive also quilted and bound another quilt but the hand sewing of the binding isnt finished as yet so I will show you that next week. Ive also been busy on the reading front - two finishes. Firstly a "physical" book - "The Bridge Kingdom" By Danielle Jensen. What a ripper of a book and the first in a series. Heres the blurb from Goodreads which describes it perfectly A warrior princess trained in isolation, Lara is driven by two certainties. The first is that King Aren of the Bridge Kingdom is her enemy. And the second is that she’ll be the one to bring him to his knees. The only route through a storm-ravaged world, the Bridge Kingdom enriches itself and deprives its rivals, including Lara's homeland. So when she’s sent as a bride under the guise of peace, Lara is prepared to do whatever it takes to fracture its impenetrable defenses. And the defenses of its king. Yet as she infiltrates her new home and gains a deeper understanding of the war to possess the bridge, Lara begins to question whether she’s the hero or the villain. And as her feelings for Aren transform from frosty hostility to fierce passion, Lara must choose which kingdom she’ll save… and which kingdom she’ll destroy. Passionate and violent, The Bridge Kingdom is a seductive fantasy perfect for fans of From Blood and Ash and A Court of Thorns and Roses. Definately a 5 out of 5 star read!
Secondly I finished the audio book of The Good, The Bad and the History by Jodie Taylor which is the 14th book in the St Marys series - as you should know I love love love this series and this one didnt disappoint. Again 5 out of 5 stars!
So a quite productive week! Wish me luck with the "resting" and "taking it easy" as Im sure once the pain has reduced and I can get around a lot easier I will get frustrated!


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