2023 - week 39 - September 24 - September 30

Cant believe its the end of September already! Three more months and it will be the end of the year! Crazy!!!!! Here on the farm we are almost finished calving and have been making silage - that the green marshmellow things you often see in padocks. Its not hot enought to make hay at this stage as it needs to be down on the ground for at least a week to 10 days so silage it is - and the cows really enjoy eating it. My leg is still giving me a lot of pain and is so frustrating but Im trying to focus on what I can do as opposed to what I cant do. On the can do front Ive finsihed a sock which is a test knit for a knitting friend in the US and I used some beautiful purple coloured yarn from Plucky
Ive also really been enjoying getting back to doing quilting things - and have been trying really hard to keep my area clean and tidy so its easy to work on things. Firstly I finished a cot quilt for the yet to be named new grandson that will be born in queensland next February. My lovely friend Cathy gave me the panel and the wadding and its so cute.
I also finished piecing and quilting the Kim Diehl mystery quilt a long - mind you I started it this month when there was only 2 clues left so I sailed along. I used leftovers from another quilt - mostly Kaffee Fassett and I think it turned out great. Its now hanging in my office/craft area
On the book front Ive finished a book Ive previously listened to on audible but I relistened to it as the next book in the Chronicles of St Marys series has just come out (on audible) and I couldnt quite remember how this one finished! As always loved loved loved it and I could listen to each of the books in this series 1000 times and still enjoy them and laugh out loud at times. The book? A Catalogue of Catastrophes and its by Jodi Taylor and narrated by my all time favorite narrator Zara Ramm


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