2023 - week 35 - August 27 - September 2

And just like that its Spring! Yes the days are lovely but weve had a couple of frosty mornings this week. Ive been having a lot of trouble with my sciatic nerve in my left leg and its not getting any better - so trying hard to not do a lot ( HA HA ) and I see my GP this week for a decision of what to do about it - possibly a cortisone injection but I hope not. Its no good getting older thats for sure as the old body is breaking down. BUT.......I always have a good helper when Im out and about on the farm, and Beau really loves sitting in the passenger seat in the ute as we travel around. Good boy.
I havent finished anything on the crafting front but I have started something! Gail Pan has been hosting a Block of the Month (pattern only) since the start of the year and Ive been eyeing it off since it started. Well I finally decided to sign up and received the first 8 blocks on the 31/8. Ive completed the January block and I love it. Im using a kit of fabrics I received for another block of the month for which I somehow didnt get the pattern but I think they suit this quilt! And the September block has just hit my inbox too but thats ok. Ive prepped the February and March blocks - just need to embroider them and its nice doing some stitchery again as I havent done that for quite a while
Ive also been frustrated with not being able to spin properly - and I was talking online about it the other day with some fellow spinners and I was encouraged to try and spin a bit every day to learn the muscle memory needed - so September will be Spinning Month - Ill see if I can do at least 10 minutes each day!
And after not finishing any books last week - this week I finished two! Firstly a physical book - A Gathering of Shadows by V.E. Schwab - its the second book in the Shades of Magic series and the series was recommended to me by an online friend. WOW this book was excellent, the first was good but this was much much better so I can wait to see what the third book has to offer Its a fantasy novel where there are 4 different Londons - each with its own problems and magics. There are those that like magic and those that dont and those that can perform and those who wish they should. And also a teeny bit of romance too. Its a definate 5 out of 5 stars read for me!
And finally I finished the audio book of The Library of the Unwritten Books by A.J. Hackwith. Again a fantasy book about the place in hell reserved for unwritten books and the libarian that protects them. Of course bad things happen and characters from the books run amok but it was such an interesting idea that I really enjoyed it - not that I really want to venture into hell though. Its a 4 and a half star listen from me for this one.
So enjoy this update and the nicer days that are coming - although apparently we are going to have a super hot summer which wont be a lot of fun! Till next week my friends


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