2023 - week 37 - September 10 - September 16

Wow have I got some things to show you! Due to my stupid sciatic nerve pain Im not able to do a lot - but I can craft! Unfortunately I cant get cortisone nerve injection until the 26/10 so Im practicing patience which Im not very good at. Firstly, Ive been spinning at least 10 minutes each day - and I do think Im getting better! The bobbin on the left hand side of the pic is my first spinning efforts and on the right is the newer stuff and its getting much thinner and more even. Im super happy with this!
Next I finished a sock! I love the colour of this yarn - its from Obsession yarns and the pattern is a test knit for a ravelry friend Heidi - love the cables in this. Second sock is cast on too!
Ive also been working on a couple of quilts - this is the first four blocks of the istitchclub BOM by Gail Pan - Ive prepped all the other blocks up until September and just need to do the stitching on them. Another project Im really enjoying
Ive also started to piece a half hexagon quilt but Ill post you a pic of that when the whole top is complete Im really enjoying getting back doing some quilting and embroidery and the weather is perfect for it too! On the reading front Ive finished several books too! I finished the third book in the Shades of Magic series called "A conjuring of light" by V.E. Schwab This was by far the best book of the three - the four Londons have reached breaking point and it is up to Kell, Lila and co to defeat the evil one. Its a really thick book (600 plus pages) but I read it in 3 days - I couldnt put it down so a 5 out of 5 stars for me!
I finished the audio book of "The Winter Sea" by Susanna Kearsley which is one of my favorite types of novels. It talks about the present time and also in the early 1700's and the links between modern day characters and those from the past. Again a five stars out of five stars read
And finally I also finished THe Beautiful Words by Vanessa McCausland. It was a book I was gifted and although I enjoyed it - it seemed to drag along a bit. Its the story several generations of two families who are linked again and again. This one is a 3 star out of 5 read.
So I feel like Ive achieved a fair bit this week, all things considering Have a great week and I hope you enjoyed the update.


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