2023 - week 8 February 19 - 25


And just like that another week has flown by! I havent been too well this week (issues with my blood sugar levels - Im diabetic, plus getting gastro) so havent strayed that far away from the house.  On the positive this has meant Ive finished several things! So here we go...... I wont post about my WIPs (works in progress) as Ive been thinking I might post that mid week as a sort of an update but Ill see how I go

First finished was the hexagon table runner which I got as a kit quite some time ago - Im really pleased with how it came out and realised yet again how much I really do like english paper piecing - or is it that I enjoy the slower projects these days?

Another finish - which was a relatively quick and easy project was this pin cushion.  Ive received from Chandlers Cottage their calendar and projects for 2023 - the idea being that you complete one each month.  This is Januarys project so as you can see Im not that up to date - but I was putting off doing this as I havent really done any crazy patchwork or even made a tassel - but I can now!

But my biggest finish is the fizzalicious wrap - pattern by Ambah O'Brien and the yarn is my 2022 advent kit from louie and lola and is 1360 yards of knitting - which is a lot! I love the colour changes and the pattern wasn't difficult at all - it was just a lot of knitting! It would be a great one to use up leftovers, just saying!

And for the record this is project 11 of the 60 crafty things I would like to get done this year!

On the reading front - I finished the third and final book on audible of Chronicles of the One called the Rise of the Magicks 

Great series about the light versus the dark and the battles that ensue.  I havent read any books by Nora Roberts before but she's a great writer and I think Ill try and find some more of hers to read.

Thats book finish number 12 of my target of 60 books this year!

So thats my progress for this week - still working on the little stitchery blocks, the soldotna crop a stripy pair of socks and reading the Lady of Hay!


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