2023 - week 6 February 6 - February 11

 Hello! Lots been happening this week! On the farm we dried a few more cows off ready to have their calves in 6 or so weeks so less time milking which is nice.  Ive also started taking part in a ladies fitness bootcamp and its obviously working as my muscles ache for a day or two afterwards!

Ive also been busy on the sock front! Made this quick and cute pair of shortie socks with the leftovers from the easy mosaic socks and I think Ive got about 2 yards left of the yarn so very happy with that! The pattern is Golden Days and its a lovely pattern which gives a great result and Ill definitely be making them again 

I also finished the second sock of the pairfect socks!  They have headed to my gifting box which is very low on socks post Christmas as all the family loves getting my socks for gifts.

Ive also started a new knitting project - the Soldotna crop and Im using lovely yarn from Skein.  Its really nice to be using DK weight yarn when Ive been doing so much fingering weight knitting.  It has 4 colours and these are all used in the yoke and much plainer in the rest of the body - its short sleeved too.

On the sewing/patchwork/quilting front - Im still working on the leftover hexagons quilt and Im getting there - just a bit more of sewing down hexagons and then Ill be able to quilt it - I hope to get it finished this week!  

Im really enjoying the english paper piecing of the hexagons and being able to use up some leftovers Ive had laying around for years.

On the reading front Ive managed to finish two books and both were excellent.  The first one via audible as an audio book - "Of blood and bone" which is the second book in the Chronicles of the one series by Nora Roberts.  Im really enjoying this series which is dystopian about a disease called the doom which wipes out most of the worlds population.  Im now listening to book 3 and the final book of the series. Id highly recommend this series if you like this type of thing.

The second finish was a huge book - The Court of Silver Flames, book 4 of the Court of Thorns and Roses  Sarah J Maas.  Ive been holding off reading this one as its the last in the series, and my daughter Sarah told me its the best of them - and she wasn't wrong.  Its the story of Nesta (who Sarah calls sassy and she isn't wrong) She brave, bold and a bit broken.  Another 5/5 for this and highly recommend it!

So All In All and productive week! Lets hope I can keep it up


Anne P said…
Love those finished pairs of socks - something so satisfying about that. :)

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