2023 - week 7 February 12 - 18

 What a week! Some of the hottest days we have had all summer - one day was 42 degrees Celsius and then a couple of other mornings you needed a coat on the early hours - crazy!

Not much on the finishing front but plenty of WIPs (works in progress!!)  I did finish the english paper pieced table topper, I enjoyed making this and its sort of a "free" quilt as its all from leftovers- even the batting inside is lots of leftover pieces joined together.  Just show why we keep scraps LOL

Once that was finished I started two (yes two) more hand stitching projects - Im really enjoying the slowness of these type of things at the moment - yes plenty of machine pieced quilt kits I could start but enjoying these for the moment - one is a table runner, the other a stitchery panel that I will cut up and sash piece around each of the blocks to make a quilt.  Im alternating working on each of them, however Im a bit more drawn to the table runner if Im honest.  I think I got these both well before covid lockdowns (or at the start of them) so it will be good to get these made up.

No finishes on the yarn front - but Im working on two different knitted projects (I sense a theme happening!) The soldotna crop and the fizzalicious wrap and Im happy with how they are both coming along 

And as for reading - no finishes there either - Ive started listening on audible to Book 3 of the Chronicles of the One series called The Rise of the Magic's and also started Lady of Hay by Barbara Erskine as a physical book (its a long read, and one I read years and years ago and really enjoyed so reading it again)

Maybe next week there will be more finishes!


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