while I'm recuperating......

Im managing to survive the recuperating (just!) by doing a few bits and pieces.  Can't do a lot and dont have a huge attention span but have managed to make a crocheted scarf (the yarn was gifted to me and isnt it just the most gorgeous colour?) Im still pretty new to crochet but Im quite pleased with this result. My stitches seem fairly evenish.

 I resurrected this stitchery of babushka dolls that I think I traced off about 5 years ago -so long ago in fact the design was almost too hard to see in places - but managed to get it done and turned it into a cute cushion. Stupid blogger is loading the pic upside down and I just cant seem to be able to turn it around - so you might have to stand on your head!


Lynne said…
Both cute projects!
Julie said…
Windows Live Writer will be the answer to your blogging prayers!!!!! do yourself a favour and download it right now!!!

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