letter to myself

Dear Di
Why are you getting so frustrated with everything?
Considering what you have been through in the last two months you are doing quite well indeed.
Yes, you are still not back to 100% fit - but you are achieving lots.
You have got your quilting/embroidery mojo back which is a great thing - you've certainly got plenty you can work on - and what a great thing that you had "pre-stashed" all that lovely fabric, and patterns and notions - nothing needed to spend and you can have great joy in creating beautiful things.
You live in a lovely place - a lovely dairy farm - and are blessed to be living out of town, surrounded by land.
Your family is gorgeous - your husband adores you, as do you girls and your grandchildren.
You are truly blessed.
So.....stop feeling sorry for yourself, pull up your socks and move on!
You have a lot of life left to lead - so do it well.
Love your best friend


Lynne said…
And you've had time to blog! ;-)
Unknown said…
love you mummy! u r amazing!
Ramona said…
Dear Di,
you are trulu a wonderful lady and whatever life has thrown at you you can deal with. Sometimes you have to turn left before you trun right. no matter what happens you will get throught it. I don't know what battle you have, but I do know you are one very strong lady and along with those who love you and your faith, you will win.
Hugs you xxxR

PS I love your blogs

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