new life

As I've hinted in my last couple of posts - I'm really reassessing what is really important in life.
The past several weeks have really made me look at things differently.
This morning I watched a calf being born - only 15 minutes old and already able to walk around - pretty tough these calves are from the word go.
And me- well I'm not that good at resting, BUT, I have been creating and have realised that I am blessed to be able to do this.  I've been doing some embroidery - something that I hadn't been really liking or interested in for quite some time -but I've rediscovered my love....and being able to listen to an audio book while doing it is a bonus as well.  This Christmas Wreath stitchery was started more than a year ago - but its now done, quilted and bound and ready to be hung this Christmas.

I have tended to do the stitching during the day, while sitting in the sunshine.  In the evenings I've been knitting a sock (well hopefully it will be a pair of socks one day).  This is the first sock which I finished knitting last night - and I immediately cast on the second one in case the dreaded "second sock syndrome" strikes.
And what is really important at the end of all this - my lovely husband and family - so this morning I made yummy homemade porridge and enjoyed it sitting in the sunshine with Gary.
What more could a blessed girl ask for?


Annette said…
Glad to hear you are doing as told!!! resting....stitching is very restful,& to find some sun rays is even better, Christmas stitchery looks great. Looks like poddy's will be with you shortly. Take care
Fran C said…
Good that you are resting and rebuilding your strength. I love your Christmas stitchery, it is beautiful..
Fran C said…
Good that you are resting and rebuilding your body. Love your Christmas stitchery, it is lovely.
Julie said…
So glad you are on the mend Di. It's amazing how life needs to be reassessed every now and again. I get it, I'm at that stage in my life also!!!LOL take care
Ramona said…
Oh Blessed, I so hope whatever you are going through is sorted. My prayers are with you.
Glad to hear you are doing as you are told, it's actually quite beneficial when we do, but we do tend to think WE know better!! Speedy recovery hugs Ramona xxx
Lynne said…
Seems like you are doing much better.

Love your Christmas stitchery and your socks -- I'll pass on the porridge though!

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