If you are reading this blog and you are a quilter/knitter/or any sort of crafter at all - I am sure you will understand what I am about to tell you. I knit, sew, quilt etc and I have heaps of
projects and bits and pieces stuff that I dont think I will ever use/make. So.....in the interests of making more room and also boosting my bank balance, I have just listed and sold some items on ebay - for a ripping profit of $700 plus dollars. Dont know what I will do with this princely sum - but a new oven is looking good! Anyways I digress. The items I sold where kits, books etc that I bought AGES ago and have never quite got round to using/starting so thought someone else might as well have the pleasure - and of course I get the $$$$. I also have (in the course of finding said items) found many things that I have started but not yet finished. These that I still like I am aiming to finish BEFORE I start anything else (can I hear cries of famous last words????)
Here's the first two finished things - a chinese coins quilt that I actually started not that long ago - I used a charm pack of sorrento fabric. Also the infamous rivulet socks that I made and where too big so I frogged and now they are done! Ive also managed to almost finish a table runner and a table topper but will post photos when they are actually finished - just the hand sewing on the binding to go so not far.
Also I have completely cleaned out my scraps and spare quilt squares - the square etc and some fabrics I have sent to Jan Mac - a lady I know who makes quilts for charity. As for the scraps - the bigger pieces I have cut into 2 1/2" strips and have made one quilt top in greens that I am quilting at the moment. The bulk of the scraps (and huge garbage bag full!) I have given to a local girl who is starting out on the quilting trail.